This page will show many varieties of necklaces, but I am not limmited to just this I just may not have tried the style you are interested in yet. I usually create original peices and many of these are sold. If you would like an exact replica I can try but no promises. It would be helpful to tell me colors, style, length (for necklaces), and if you have a particular image in mind as much description as possible. Or if you would just like something dark purple and you like the creativity then I will do my best.
Make sure you email the details and send contact information along. If you are not located in my area there will be a shipping fee. Hopeful if this takes off I can illiminate that, but for now go in on things with friends so you will only have to pay once.
I will do my best at putting prices next to pictures but they vary depending on the beads and labor. Most necklaces will be approximately $20, braclets $10, and earings $5. It will go up and down from there. I cannot accept credit or debit. Checks can be made payable to Jillian Wheeler. Hope you enjoy what you see and that I will be hearing from people soon!